Beyond140 Graphics and thoughts

You can  increase meaning by 543% by adding Voice to Text

We all know that it is more intimate and meaningful to talk with someone face-to-face than by SMS.  Right?  Well here are a few ways to look at it.

Table of Effectiveness of Communication elements

      • 7% of meaning is in the Text/words spoken
      • 38% of the meaning is in the Tone, inflection, the way things are said
      • 55% of meaning is in body language and facial expressions
If 7% of “meaning” is in Text and 38% more is in the way things are said (tones) then the addition of the 38% increases meaning by 543% (38/7) .  The vocal added then become 84% of the now total meaning conveyed.  Math: 7% + 38% = 45 and 38 / 45 = 84.  Conclusion? use Skype Chat Voice more often and enrich your meanings!!!!
Now, looking at the chart to the right.  First questions is, do you agree?  Do the levels of communication make sense to you? If not why not?  Beyond140 simply means extending Twitter messages out into higher levels of Intimacy and therefore communication.  Why do you want to do that?

Because we are SOCIAL BEINGS. Creating connections well beyond140 has many benefits.  Once well established it is possible to maintain relationships using nonface-to-face technologies.   Have extensive experience with this from DuPont days.  Meeting people, breaking bread, is important and creates bonds and understanding that then can be facilitated with less intimate forms of communication. BEWARE, you still need face-to-face “touch” to tune-up/refresh the relationship.  I’m certain there is MATH on this out there — if you know of it please comment & I’ll link to it or incorporate it.

Join the conversation! Find #UsGuys on Twitter. Tell us what you think and participate in #beyond140 efforts to facilitate small world, the power of weak links and help advance SOCIAL (relationship) Media.

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