
We enhance your Art of Marketing (creativity) by empowering it with the Science of SEO (digital relevance).  Our focus is about Business Performance and Return on Engagement, which translates to genuine Return on Investment. 

1. Assess/Benchmark

Where are your company’s Marketing efforts and Social Media presence right now? How does it compare to its key competitors? We will take a snapshot of where you currently are and provide you with a frank assessment of opportunities and risks.

2. Strategize

The single biggest impediment to any company’s Digital Marketing and Social Media effort is lack of a coherent strategy. We work with key stakeholders and top executives to ensure your company is on the right path. Doing the wrong things on the Internet can be worse than doing nothing at all.

3. Implement

Once we agree where your company is, where it needs to go, and how, we will lead the implementation of that strategy – because without expertise to execute properly, even the best plans can fail.

4. Recruit & Train

We are skilled at recruiting the right staff to lead your digital marketing and social media efforts, and training that talent in best practices.

Executive Social Media Strategy

We perform the same services for individual top executives as we do for our enterprise clients.

What we are not:

Think of us as a unique new breed of consulting firm. We are not, and do not aspire to be, an IT advisory service nor a Digital Advertising firm. We have deep connections with market leaders in that space, though, and are happy to make introductions or to work with your vendors of choice, as warranted.

Wait! My business is small!

All customers are important to me and I can tailor reasonably priced Strategic Overviews for you.